
Out Of Body Experience, Explanations and Guides
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Last update Nov 23, 1995
Here some texts on OBEs, Near Death Experiences and familiar perceptions beyond
physical plane ...
an introduction into all that, may give you "Watching Owl" with A Nearby Realm, Of The Dreamtime.
Out of Body Experiences (OBE)
Near Death Experiences (NDE)
Lucid Dreaming
General Information About Non-Physical Planes
Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
Out-of-body-experiences (OBEs) are those curious, and usually brief experiences in
which a person's consciousness seems to depart from his or her body, enabling
observation of the world from a point of view other than that of the physical body and
by means other than those of the physical senses. Thus, an out-of-the-body
experience can initially be defined as 'an experience in which a person seems to
perceive the world from a location outside his physical body'.
- Out Of Body FAQ (Jouni A. Smed)
Well done FAQ about OBE and different views and explanations, also
some overviews of techniques (Postscript Version).
His own HTML-version here.
- Treatise on Projection (Robert Bruce)
Recommended descriptures of techniques of (astral and higher-planes)-projection and how different planes are perceived.
The old version is here.
- OBE Observation (Bob Peterson)
- Fourteen OBE Letters (Bob Peterson)
- Out-of-Body Experiences [Go Live] (Bob Peterson)
Bob's own books online on his account, check out!
- A Look At Lucid Dreaming and OOBEs (Ian Wilson)
Yet another personal approach and view on it
- Affirmations and OOBE (Ed Erst)
Two helpful affirmations
- OBE, Spiritualist Technique (Charles Goldman)
One phase of mediumship, which is called 'traveling clairvoyance' is the out of body state ...
- Thoughts on OBE (Chuck)
Weather and about other energy structures, few thoughts.
- OOBE vs Lucid Dreaming (Bob Peterson, Dean Walker)
Talking about OOBE and Lucid-Dreaming, and their relation
- Mer-Ka-Ba (div. Authors)
- Interdimensional Traveling (René K. Müller)
My personal method to practice OBE's ...
- Personal Out Of Body Experiences:
(Feel free to send me your experiences as well ...)
- TVOS Astral Projection Journal (David Warner)
- Briggs's Experiences with OOBE's (Patrick R. Briggs)
- Out Of This World (M. C.)
- My First 'ROPE' Projection (Robert Bruce)
- My First OBE! (Jim Lagerkvist)
- Walk on the Face of God (Marc Whitford)
- OBE-Tools:
- OOBE Book List (div. Authors)
- Hemisync: Self Experiment (Ed Erst)
- Techno Shamanism (div. Authors)
Some thoughts on Techno-Shamanism and Rave-Culture
- OBE Resources (regulary updated)
Addresses of organizations and related stuff
- OBE Bibliography (regulary updated)
Recommended books as bibliography
- The Monroe Institute (div. Authors)
Some collections about Monroes Inst. and his books and related material
- Altered States of Consciousness (Jouni A. Smed)
Hypnosis, OBE, Dreams and Lucid Dreams etc.
- Astral Projection Home Page (Charles C. Goodin)
A Collection of Astral Projection and OOBE Resources
- Robert Bruce's HomePage (Robert Bruce)
Author of Treatise on Projection with his own page.
- Phenomena of the Psyche and Other Inexplicable Anomalies (Matt Holmes)
A collection of esoteric information.
- Eckankar ()
Soul-Traveling, Light and Sound of God
- The Voice Of Silence (TVOS)
A huge personal diary on OBEs
- Journal of Astral Travels (Stephen Moon)
Another personal diary on OBEs
- Skywind's PSI-Page (Jenny Gable)
Some pictures by W.A. Watts in Muldoon's Book "The Projection Of The Astral Body":
- Leaving Body (start)
- Leaving Body (more)
- Leaving Body (moving)
- Leaving Body (more moving)
- Return to Body
- Animation (MPEG 87K)

The biggest surprise for for most people in dying is to realize that dying does not end
life. It's definitly a gift to look beyond the veil for a moment, and realize the
opportunity of physical life, which many, also spiritual interested people, deny.
About those people who came back ...
Lucid Dreaming
There is a state of consciousness in which any human being could experience anything
imaginable. Each of us holds within us infinite possibilities. How many of us ever
have the opportunity to taste even a hint of them? If we speak of our fantasies of
wider vistas of life, we talk of our "dreams." In our dreams, we are free.
- Dreamswork: Questions and Techniques (Pamela Ryan)
- A Nearby Realm, Of The Dreamtime ("Watching Owl")
An thought-thread on dreaming and existance ...
- Treatise On Lucid Dreaming (Robert Bruce)
- Lucid Dreaming FAQ (Lucidity Research)
- Lucidity Research, Past and Future (Stephen LaBerge)
- 1001 Nights of Exploring Lucid Dreaming (Lynne Levitan)
- Life Is But A Dream (Keith Haray, Pamela Weintraub)
- The Lucidity Institute (div. Authors)
About Stephen LaBerge's Institute
- OOBE vs Lucid Dreaming (Bob Peterson, Dean Walker)
Talking about OOBE and Lucid-Dreaming, and their relation
- The Lucidity Institute WWW
Their own web-site
- Metaphysical Journal (Tom Fought)
Software to archive/reference dreams, events and books etc.
General Information About Non-Physical Planes
There are many ways for perceive different planes and dimensions, and there
isn't just one established view but many, like the more subtle realities don't
allow themselves to specified so simply, which has primary to do with our
- Treatise Of Projection: Zones Overview (Robert Bruce)
- Dimensions of Understanding (Pamela Stumbough)
- The Astral Planess (div. Authors)
Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
For general information on IRC.
- /join #OBE
- /join #OBE-Forum (Saturdays at 9:30pm EST)
- /join #Astral
- /join #Spiritualist
- /join #PSI
Stay for a while, if you are alone on a channel - else each one just stays few moments and
it seems, no one is interested ...
Using your browser to chat and discuss with other people on paticular topics.
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